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Am I the a-hole. My 13 year old step daughter is an absolute nightmare. Constantly playing households against each other, fabricating lies to both sets of parents of different things that are happening in each respective household, getting in trouble at school you name it. Dad and Bio Mom have tried to stay cordial but there continues to be arguments and conflicts due to what is being said by step daughter. I don’t know how to fix it. Bio mom has reached out to me directly venting frustrations and discussing parenting with me. I’m not comfortable with this. It’s getting to the point that I don’t want my step daughter around my children her siblings because of the things she’s saying to them as well about us and her bio mom. Am I the a-hole for expressing to both my spouse and her bio mom that i do not want any part of parenting and they need to deal with her on their own? I have gone the extra mile and done everything I possibly can think of to Make her comfortable all for it to be twisted into fabrications. I’m just at my wits end.
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